CIFAL Philippines

UP-CIFAL Philippines discusses SDGs, inclusive business to women entrepreneurs

19 JUNE 2019, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES – UP-CIFAL Philippines discussed sustainable development goals (SDGs) and inclusive business to almost 30 women entrepreneurs in a financial management training. Ma. Christine Sanchez, program officer for SDGs of UP-CIFAL Philippines, explained how small businesses can create jobs, introduce new products, and promote efficient […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines conducts SDG, inclusive business capacity building for training institute on small-scale industries

07 MAY 2019, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES−UP-CIFAL Philippines conducted a capacity building on sustainable development goals (SDGs) and inclusive business for 18 staff of the University of the Philippines Institute for Small-Scale Industries (UP ISSI). UP-CIFAL Philippines Director Dr. Edna Co highlighted that businesses should engage low-income communities in the value […]

SDG students highlight climate action in mangrove planting project in Batangas

04 May 2019, Batangas, Philippines−An elective course in public administration (PA 191) titled “Mainstreaming and Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)” at the University of the Philippines ended the semester with a community project focusing on SDG 13: Climate Action. Twenty-one students collaborated with the village (barangay) officers, Batangas City Department […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines holds SDG capacity building seminar-workshop for 130 college students

29 April 2019, RIZAL, PHILIPPINES−In partnership with the World Citi Colleges-Antipolo City, UP-CIFAL Philippines held a capacity-building seminar-workshop on sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 130 students. Ma. Christine Sanchez, program officer for sustainable development goals of UP-CIFAL Philippines, discussed the 17 SDGs in the local context and how these impact […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines gears up for offering of global migration certificate course

24 & 29 April 2019, Quezon City, PhilippinesꟷAs it prepares to offer the Professional Certificate Course on Global Migration in the third quarter of the year, UP-CIFAL Philippines held two consultation meetings with a total of 27 experts. UP-CIFAL Philippines is embarking to offer a Professional Certificate Course on Global […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines capacitates city university students on sustainable development

21 March 2018, Quezon City, PhilippinesꟷUP-CIFAL Philippines held a seminar-workshop on sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 87 students of the City of Malabon University, a local government-run university. The workshop, entitled “A Critical Challenge of the Youth and Sustainable Development and Growth in an Era of Globalization, aims to help […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines conducts capacity-building workshop on migration crisis preparedness and response in Legazpi

4-6 March 2019, Legazpi, Albay, PhilippinesꟷUP-CIFAL Philippines, in partnership with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) and National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Region V, conducted a capacity-building workshop on strengthening crisis preparedness and response towards migrants. Participants were 94 regional authorities involved in migration, emergency planning and implementation, and […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines holds 2nd consultation meeting for Certificate Course on Global Migration

8 February 2019, Quezon City, Philippinesꟷ UP-CIFAL Philippines held a consultation meeting on the Certificate Course on Global Migration with 11 experts. The meeting generated comments on plans of actions and possible marketing strategies from prospective module writers and resource persons from United Nations agencies, government agencies, and the academe […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines conducts SDG capacity building for various local gov’t employees

22 March 2018, Quezon City, PhilippinesꟷUP-CIFAL Philippines conducted a capacity building orientation with workshop on sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 30 legislative staff of various local government units (LGU). Director Dr. Edna Co and staff of UP-CIFAL Philippines discussed and demonstrated how to mainstream SDGs especially in developing local policies. […]

UP-CIFAL Philippines holds 3rd annual board meeting

18 March 2019, Quezon City, PhilippinesꟷUP-CIFAL Philippines’ Board of Representatives gathered for the 3rd annual meeting. Present at the meeting were UP System Executive Vice President Dr. Ted Herbosa (representing UP President Atty. Danilo Concepcion), United Nations Resident Coordinator Ola Almgren, Philippine Business for Social Progress President Bro. Armin Luistro, […]